This blog really hasn't worked out the way I had planned. It's now April 19, 2011, and no one has posted anything for a very LONG time. Lots of things have happened since this blog started:
I've finished with all Cancer treatments and surgeries. Still dealing with side effects, though.
I've helped start a Breast Cancer support group. Worked hard helping others.
I've been working for one year. Loved my job, but just lost it.
I've had a surgery on my left heel to correct a heel spur. Didn't work.
I've had a tummy tuck! Very happy with my MUCH flatter stomach - no more dangerous belly fat. But still need some lipo to get the best results.
I've gone 16 months without soda. I never crave soda. Ever.
So, I've been busy. But, I'm still not feeling well. I really do need to start exercising, and work on getting more healthy. Yesterday, as I researched information to post on my cancer support group blog, I found an article that said:
"In one year, women who needed chemotherapy for their breast cancer can see a swapping of muscle for fat that's equivalent to 10 years of normal aging, says Dr. Wendy Demark-Wahnefried of the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
In other words, a 45-year-old may find herself with the fatter, weaker body type of a 55-year-old."
This it totally me! Chemo destroyed almost all of my muscle mass, and, thanks to steroids, added FAT. I realized this when I attended a support meeting about strength training, and the trainer told us what chemo does to our bodies. This really made sense, because my weight did not go up or down during chemo, but after I finished chemo, I couldn't fit into my clothes. The fact that I didn't lose weight during chemo was confusing - I hardly ate anything, because I felt so sick. In the first week after each chemo treatment, I would lose 12 to 15 pounds! But, by the time another chemo was scheduled, I had slowly gained all of that back. It just made no sense.
I've had such crappy luck with my heel spurs in the last year, and this makes it very difficult to walk. Yesterday, I read several stories from cancer survivors, and many of them are suffering from post chemo side effects like arthritis, and fibromyalgia. I am very lucky that I don't have to deal with these kinds of things. My biggest problems include fatigue, and heel pain. I think I can overcome these with work.
I'm going to set a few goals here, and I really am going to work hard on these. I'm tired of feeling older than I am. I want to feel good again...
1. Each day I will do some form of exercise. I need to find a different form of aerobic exercise than walking, because of my heel pain. Perhaps biking, or using an elliptical machine?
2. Eat good food. I really need to stay away from sweet things. This is my biggest problem.
3. Watch my serving sizes.
4. Drink lots of water.
In the past, I've found that if I make too many goals, I never meet any of them. I think the goals I've made work well together, and I'll try to keep each of these.
I'm going to track my progress here on this blog. Maybe I'll have company?