So yesterday I was reading Kara's post about what she ate. AWESOME! I think one of my goals will be to try to eat new things. I am so bored with food. This last year I have added beans- all kinds, (yea protien!) and some different fruits and vegiesto my diet. Good stuff. If you guys aren't aware my diet is still pretty limited- but in a different way- because of my colon being removed. I can't eat anything with oil or fat it makes me RELALY sick. And meat is very hard on me too- makes me sick and I have hard time digesting it. Oh, and nothing with seeds. Bad idea. PAIN!
So for breakfast I had peaches (that I canned) with about 1/2 a cup of fat free milk on them. A slice of dry toast ( I don't eat butter) with about a Tbl. of homemade jam.
For lunch I had a bowl of black beans (about a cup) with a little seasoning. and 4 crackers.
For dinner I had a salad of lettuce, celery, carrots, cabbage and kidney beans, with 3 Tbls. of fat free ranch. OK... Thats not alot of dressing, but I fugured out that I eat ALOT of dressing.. probably one of the reasons I have gained weight! So even though it is fat free I have to watch my calories!
I wasn't really hungry for snacks, kept myself busy cleaning up christmas stuff all day! Tip: stay busy and you wont realize you haven't eaten! Ha!
I did have a few of Ellie's gummies and a starburst. Again... fat free candy does not mean calorie free candy! Gotta be careful with that! Got some hard candy and gum so when I have a sweet craving I can suck on a peice or chew gum and it goes away. I usually don't finish the candy either- after a few minutes I can't take the sweet anymore.
I meant to meassure and weigh this morning -again- but forgot-agian! So I will do that tomorrow morning! Sunday seems like a good morning to do my weight and meassurements- then I can go to church and pray for help! HA! Good weekend to you all!
Pray for help - hee, hee!